
We gather all the insights you need for a solid foundation of customer understanding and directions for future design opportunities.

In-depth Interviews

Do you need help in understanding your users’ emotions, opinions, values etc? We help you recruit your target audience, ask them the right questions and conduct thematic analysis for deeper understanding of context of your end-users.

Usability Testing

Do you have a product or an MVP? That’s great, let’s test it! Testing with real users anytime in the process allows you to find out whether you are offering the right experience. We help you prioritise features and provide recommendations on how to improve your product.

User Persona Creation

User personas are extremely useful to uncover the different ways people use products, so you can focus your efforts on improving the experience for real people and use cases. We will help represent your user types, so your team can easily keep them in mind when designing your product features.


If you want to know how users feel about their interactions and experience with your product so you can address specific pain points and prioritise product changes, a survey can give you the useful, actionable user data you need. We’ll help you set up the survey, collect the data and provide you with actionable insights.

Customer Journey Mapping

A user journey depicts the whole user experience, representing the process as well as pain points and emotional flows. We will help in describing step-by-step how a user interacts with your product or service including what happens at each stage of the interaction, what touch points are involved, and what obstacles and barriers they may encounter.


We can also prepare and set up a workshop to facilitate open discussions around user insights, technical feasibility and business needs.